Saturday 13 August 2011

I Kin READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta Kindle, YAY!!! Holding books, esp hardbacks, is tres hard with one hand. My fab uncle helped with the cost, and its an early Chrissie pressie. Its a-may-zing. Truly. I'm  now a total nerd. And no more books will be dropped on my head, which can only be a good thing.

I've got the dentist on Monday. I suspect I'll be in trouble as myu jelly bean addiction has hit crisis point. I ran out today and I made my dad drive to Asda to buy me 6 packets. It has to be 6 packets to get a good ratio of colours. But even then I end up with all orange ones and hardly any white and yellow ones, which are my faves, (of course). Don't misunderstand me, the ones are  fine , but they outweigh the others 2:1 which means they must be the cheapest to produce. I want to start an e petition to get 'them' to do bags of JUST white ones. Do yoiu think thats petty?? Hmmm

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